
This page was inspired by “The Travel Tester” – thank you!


“Disclaimer”, as described by someone from when I was in middle school, is a person who ‘disses’ you in front of others and borrows from you without any intention of ever returning what was borrowed, claiming it as his/her own.

This is not that kind of disclaimer. 😎


(Updated: Friday, November 20, 2015)


Terms of Use

All information that I provide on this site (otherwise noted) is of my own and do not reflect the views of any groups (employers, associations, schools, mirrors, sunlight) that I am associated with. I make no representation or warranties of any kind (not even a 30-day warranty…) regarding completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of any information, product, services, or graphics on Bass2Yang.

I reserve the right to change anything on this site at any time, with or without notice (including this Disclaimer page).

I strive to provide you with accurate, up-to-date information and there will be errors. It is never my intention to use copyrighted material without express permission from the copyright holder (sometimes, it just happens to be a coincidence). Please feel free to direct me to that person (or entity) and I will gladly obtain permission and edit as well as credit the source.

Therefore, if you have any information (or, if I make any spelling and grammatical errors – it’s never just one error), please pass it on to me so that I can improve this site and make changes. No one wants to haz errors in they’re rightings, rite?

I can haz good, error-free blog?


(images generated at Meme Generator)

Note: I am not responsible for the contents of the link above. Viewer discretion is, and was, advised… but wait, I cannot officially give you that advice, either… what’s the deal?


Copyright Policy

I am the legal copyright holder (trademark/servicemark holder) of all material (written, typed, graphic, vocal, video, etc.) on my blog (unless noted). You may not use it to reprint, modify, or publish any or all material on this site without my written (or typed) consent. I’d like to know where my stuff is going and who’s borrowing it (besides, I don’t want my old friend to call you a disclaimer, right?). Please also provide a link of Bass2Yang as a courtesy. Of course, with that said…

copyright is censorship / if i had a nickel for every time someone said that / they'd stop saying it
Thank you, Mimi and Eunice. 😀



Hold Harmless

The information and opinions provided on this blog is from myself, Thou Yang, and not others. It is purely for educational (when applicable) and entertainment purposes only. Though I hold a degree in my area of study, always seek other professional and specific advice. Again, you are reading this blog because of your interest in music (at least I hope that is the reason, and not because you want to laugh at my mistakes… which can also be entertaining at times).

Under no circumstances am I rendering professional, legal, or philosophical advice specific to you. I will, however, provide my experience, insight, theory, and opinion; again, you, as the reader, take on this information at your own risk. Under no circumstances will I be liable for any loss or damage (including without limitation indirect or consequential loss or damage) or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of or in connection with the use of this website.

This website/blog will be updated periodically so there may be times when the site is down. First off, my apologies. Second, I am not liable for suspensions due to maintenance, temporary setbacks, webhost/program issues, or other problems beyond my control. Third, did I mention that I am harmlessly holding?


"I'll hold him down while you grab the pie on the table!..."

“I’ll hold him down while you grab the pie on the table!…”


Privacy Statement

You are important. Your contact information is important. I will keep your information private and will not spam you in any way with things unrelated to this site. Though I am not responsible for the privacy practices of advertisers, the webhost, tracking cookies that may have followed you because of their ninja capabilities, or blog commenters, I will not sell any personal or contact information to another company nor will I put your information on spam lists. (I ain’t seen nothin’…)


awesome ninja

(image could not be found – error: ninja level)


Reserve Rights

I reserve the right to change the direction and focus of this blog, shut it down, reboot it, sell it, or change the terms of use at my discretion. I also reserve the right to allow or delete comments posted by users for any reason.


Advertisers and Sponsors

I am not responsible for the actions of my advertisers or sponsors. If you purchase a product or service based upon a link from my website, you must take action with that company to resolve any issues, not with Bass2YangAdvertisements are at the discretion of the advertisers (and those tracking cookies… ninja-level, I say…).


Affiliate Disclosure

I am grateful to be of service and bring you content, free of charge. In order to do this, please note that when you click links and purchase items, in most (not all) cases I will receive a referral commission at no additional cost to you. I appreciate any support and will only give my support on affiliate products that I have used, owned, or tested. A periodic update in the Resources page will reflect all affiliates as well. Also, your support in purchasing through these links enables me to continue to be of service to you. Thank you!

Disclosure: This website uses VigLink! If you would like to use VigLink on your own site/blog, click here (Disclosure: This blog will earn a referral when you sign up – thank you for your support!)

Click below for disclosures from their website.

VigLink Disclosure


Letter to the Editor

I reserve the right to share letters, messages, e-mails, Morse code, telegrams, or any other communicative options that I receive from readers. I will always keep confidentiality and will only disclose information if you, the owner of this message, would like me to do so. Your right to be in the shadows like a ninja is always welcomed, but should never be noticed (otherwise, you wouldn’t be a ninja). I also reserve the right to use that information in upcoming research, books, or blogs by claiming ownership unless specified by the owner.


Keep in mind that although I have professional experience, the content expressed and documented on this website is for educational and entertainment purposes. I will try my best to document and cite proper works along with my experience. Always consult your own professional voice teacher, vocal coach, and/or specialist to fully evaluate your voice before attempting anything. Really, just stay away from unhealthy singing – or anything unhealthy for that matter. Case disclosed.


Now that we have disclaimed this blog, go forth and discover!


– Thou  awesome ninja